In 2018, during the holiday season, former NASA engineer Mark Rober of Santa Clarita, California, created a glitter bomb exploding package in response to having a package stolen from his front porch. 

In 2019, Rober invented a new and improved version: When it is touched, the box explodes in glitter and emits an unpleasant odor along with a soundtrack of police chatter. As a coup de grace, it also takes a video of the thief and uploads it to the Cloud.

Interestingly, one of the sponsors for Rober’s project is Home Alone actor Macaulay Culkin. 

Rober calls it a labor of love: “I have literally spent the last 10 months designing, building and testing a new and improved design for this season,” he said.

Well played, Mr. Rober.

Porch thieves: meet your NEMESIS.